Thursday, November 4, 2010

I'm just pooped!

For some reason the teenagers in my life have a strange attraction to poo.  They draw pictures of it and think it is just a hilarious topic to discuss at the dinner table. Ugh! The worst part is (sigh) they are girls. I know, I am a failure. I have failed miserably as the parental figure, nurturer, and all around guide to what is good and right for lady like behavior.   In a nutshell, my girls need a finishing school. I am reminded of that old addage, 'If you can't beat them (which is against the law lol), join them'.  Much to my embarrassment and chagrin, in my defeat, I have decided to adopt this slogan. Here is my newest project.

I found this pattern on Crochet Mama's Blog. She has free crochet patterns and is definitely worth checking out. It is also nice to know that someone has the poo factor in their life, too. lol Here is her poo-pattern.

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