Friday, November 5, 2010

Crochet shopping bag

I love to recycle and to change things from their regular form into something fun and useful.  I was really torn over what I was gonna do with my sharn.  I had the idea to make a floor rug, but the main colors my son wears are red, blue, and white.  I really didn't want a bicentennial rug.

Since I shop at Aldi's, a market bag is a much better and more useful object for me. Whoo-hoo! Look at me! I am going green.  I love Aldi's.  They have wicked cheap prices. I have only two problems with them.  One, I have to bring my own shopping bags. I am always forgeting them. The other problem is I am alway forgetting my quarter for the shopping buggy.  I just realized, (dawn of awareness) it isn't Aldi's, it is me! I am forgetful. Ugh! I hate revelations.  Back to my shopping bag.

So, now, I have written the pattern for my bag. Unfortunately, it isn't user friendly, yet.  It desperately needs some fine tuning.  Hopefully, I will post it in a day or two. I have just had another 'dawn of awareness'. I stink at pattern writing. I'm sure there isn't a person it the world that can read and understand my bag pattern!

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