Sunday, November 7, 2010

Pom-pom Hat pattern

I have made several of these hats.  I started out by making each of my two daughters one with big ol' huge pompoms on them.

This hat was made out of the black homespun yarn for my oldest daughter pictured on the right.  It is very soft and the pompoms are huge. I still need to trim the pompoms on this one.

My daughter who is quite the princess fell in love with the style and texture.  She is away at school and we miss her terribly.  She called me the minute she received it, and was thrilled with the gift. I doubt it will get hot enough in Texas to need the hat, but she is all about fashion statements. I am sure she will find and occasion to wear it! Can massage therapist wear ear flap hats to work?

I made another hat out of wool ease chunky yarn for my youngest daughter. She is a bit of a tomboy, loves horses, and working with her hands.  She was happy as can be with her hat.  This girl can be tough as nails and still as pretty as a flower.  How do they do that??

Allow a proud Momma a moment to brag.  I honestly believe I have two of the sweetest and prettiest southern belles around, and I'll kick the teeth out of anyone who disagrees!!!

Here is the free pattern for the Pom-pom hat. I love the Lion Brand website.  If you can't view this pattern, it is because you are not a member. It doesn't cost anything to become a member. Once you do, you have access the hundreds of great patterns. Win win situation!

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