Thursday, March 8, 2012

Vogue: 1940's Style Felt Hat

V7464Isn't she absolutely beautiful???  Look at that hat!! So chic. So Dick Tracy!  I can imagine her in a black and white episode of Dick Tracy, tears in her eyes, chest heaving, breathlessly gasping in a slow southern drawl, "Ah thank someone is trahing to kill me." ~sigh~ I was sooo born in the wrong era.

This hat is a Vogue pattern from the 1930-1940's era. What is not to love.  I tried my hand at making one.  I am not 100% satisfied with the results, but still quite pleased.  I made it for a lady at church, and added a bit of tulle.

Here is my version:

My bow is a bit off kilter, but all in all, not too bad. I think I will still play with it a little more.  See if I can't overcome the crumpled look.

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